Dan Lawson, a Chicago detective portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson, travels to Scotland to assist Scottish Det. Boyd, played by Gianni Capaldi, in investigating a serial killer whose crimes match an unsolved case from five years ago in Chicago. The movie, titled “Damaged,” also features Vincent Cassel, John Hannah, Laura Haddock, and Kate Dickie in supporting roles. Terry McDonough directed and released it on April 12, 2024, in theaters and on digital platforms. The film has received mixed reviews from critics with some praising the performances of the lead actors and others finding it forgettable with an implausible plot. The genre is listed as Mystery & Thriller, Crime, and Drama with a runtime of approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes. It is rated R for violence, brief sexual content, language, and grisly images throughout.
- Samuel L. Jackson as Dan Lawson
- Vincent Cassel as Bravo
- Gianni Capaldi as Detective Boyd
- Kate Dickie as Kessler
- John Hannah as McGregor
- Laura Haddock as Boyd’s wife
- Gianni Capaldi (also co-writer and producer)
- Terry McDonough (Director)
- Paul Aniello
- Koji Steven Sakai